what happened to the pirate at last
Piracy simply stopped being a way to make a living with the growth of the Royal Navy and other navies. As the financial value of the West Indies increased, so did the number of British warships sent to the Caribbean to protect them. They either killed off the pirates or drove them out of business.
The fledgling US Navy went to the Mediterranean to put a stop to attacks on American shipping from the Barbary Coast, i.e. North Africa. The American heavy frigates threatened to flatten the coastal towns. The local rulers capitulated, knowing that the Americans could do it. Again, in time the western navies controlled the Mediterranean too closely. Eventually the Europeans colonized North Africa.
The Greeks were major pirates, but I think the Turks ended it.
Malaysia and Indonesia remain hotbeds of small-time piracy even today. There are too many little islands and inlets for their governments to patrol them all. It's not a place where you want to take your yacht unless you are well-armed with a combat-trained crew.
Somalia was a big problem until the US and British navies began patrolling the region