What happens after death ? What does happen to our soul ? Scientific Reason .
★ What happens to our body after we die?
→ According to medicals, death happens in two stages.
→ The first stage is called as clinical death, it lasts for four to six minutes from the moment a person stops breathing and the heart stops pumping blood.
→ During this stage, organs remain alive.
→ And there may be enough oxygen in the brain so that no permanent damage occurs.
→ The second stage of dying is called as biological death.
→ It is the process by which the body’s organs shut down and cells begin to degenerate.
★ What happens to our soul after our death ?
→ Many of us wonder what happens after we die.
→ Yes, after our death our body and soul gets seperate.
→ Even though our body dies but our spirit which is the essence of who we are, will be still alive and it lives on.
→ Then after that our spirit goes to the spirit world.