What happens if u smoke weed ?
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I will try to put my words into whatever I felt. After having weed first thing is you feel sensation in your fingers from head to toe this means that it has hit you. Now, your eyes will get red and the whole world will seem in slo-mo. Whatever you say or you do will seem like you are doing in a slo-mo. More you leave yourself free or relaxed more slo-mo you will feel. Other person will feel like you are normal only but for you the world and whatever you are doing or saying is in slow motion. Another thing that happens is if you are doing something you will keep on doing it. You will feel that this whole world is an illusion and you are from a different planet or different world altogether sent in this illusionary world for only some time and after few hours you will leave this body and your soul will go back again to that world. Whatever you will feel you will feel it with your full force. After some time you will feel very hungry and will eat twice as you normally do.
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