Science, asked by rishabhchauhan84, 11 months ago

what happens to a passengers travelling in a bus when the bus take a sharp turn give region for your answers


Answered by shubham85288
As we all know Newton's first law of motion, i.e., a body remains in the state of rest or the state of motion (in the same direction) unless an external force is applied on it.

If a person is traveling in bus then his body will be in the state of motion along with the motion of bus, but as the bus takes a turn the direction of motion of the bus changes (this occurs only because a force is applied on bus), as a result the direction of motion of the lower part of the person's body changes because it remains in contact with the bus's floor, the upper part of his body resists this change and tends to move in the same direction so he fells like that he will fall and in some sharp turns may even fall.

Explanation 2 

It can also be explained with the help of centrifugal force. As, we all know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

To keep a body to move in a circular path a force must be applied on it. In case of the bus when it takes a sharp turn centripetal force is applied on it. However, in reaction of it an imaginary force known as centrifugal force acts, whose effects can be seen on the passenger who falls (or tends to fall). Thus a person may fall or tend to fall during a sharp turn.

Hope it helps, if so please mark it as brainliest.....

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