What happens to excess water which enters the nephron
The kidneys are organs of the urinary system - which remove excess water, salts and urea.
Blue and red blood vessels. The blue show blood coming from the kidneys going to the heart. The red show blood going to the kidneys from the heart. Bladder, urethra and kidney are labelled.
Blood is transported to the kidney in the renal artery. The blood is filtered at a high pressure and the kidney selectively reabsorbs any useful materials such as glucose, salt ions and water. After it has been purified, the blood returns to the circulatory system through the renal vein. The waste is urine.
The kidneys produce urine and this helps maintain water balance. When the body has more water than it needs, larger quantities of dilute, light coloured urine are produced. When the body is short of water, smaller quantities of concentrated, dark coloured urine are produced.
The urine is taken from the kidneys to the bladder by the ureters. The bladder stores the urine until it is convenient to expel it from the body.
Each kidney contains over one million microscopic filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron is made of a tubule and is responsible for 'cleaning' the blood by removing urea, excess water and mineral ions.