what happens to q community when the majority of its people's basic needs are no met?
Communities are typically defined by a geographic area; however, they
can also be based on shared interests or characteristics such as religion,
race, age, or occupation.
There will imbalance in the community. The basic needs approach is one of the major approaches to the measurement of absolute poverty a community. The basic needs approach has been described as consumption-orientation. it may also lead to famine, increase in criminal rate, and so on..............
=>Physical: Structural changes or the presence of programs or services,
including the presence of healthy food choices in restaurants or cafeterias,
improvements in the built environment to promote walking (e.g., walking
paths), the availability of smoking cessation services to patients or
workers, and the presence of comprehensive school health education
curricula in schools.
=>Social: A positive change in attitudes or behavior about policies that
promote health or an increase in supportive attitudes regarding a health
practice, including an increase in favorable attitudes of community
decision makers about the importance of nonsmoking policies or an
increase in nonacceptance of exposure to second-hand smoke from the
general public.
=>Economic: The presence of financial disincentives or incentives to
encourage a desired behavior including charging higher prices for tobacco
products to decrease their use or the provision of nonsmoker health
insurance discounts.