what happens to quantum world and real world if electromagnetism was destroyed
Magnetism is the property of elements reacting at the atomic or sub-atomic level of the experimental magnetic field. For example, a known form of magnetism is iron magnetism, where some ferromagnetic elements themselves generate their own constant magnetic fields. However, all elements are affected to a lesser or greater level by the presence of a magnetic field. Some are attracted to the magnetic field (atomizer); Others are repelled by magnetic fields (anti-magnetism); While others have a more complex relationship with experimental magnetic fields. Substances that are negligible by magnetic fields are known as non-magnetic substances. These include copper, aluminum, gas and plastic.
The magnetic state (or phase) of the material depends on the temperature (and variable elements such as pressure and experimental magnetic field) so that the material exhibits more than one form of magnetism depending on its temperature etc......
the magnetic state or the phase of the material depends on the temperature and variable elements such as pressure and experimental magnetic field .
so that the material exhibit more than one from of magnetism depends on note temperature.
hope it helps