What happens to the size of umbra and penumbra when the distance between the source, the object and the screen is changed?
As the distance between the opaque object and light source increases, the umbra also increases.
With increasing and decreasing distance, the shadow will become smaller and larger, respectively. This is due to the shadow's smaller angular projection when it is farther away and its larger angular projection when it is closer.
Step 1: The umbra of an eclipse decreases in size as solar distance rises. On the other hand, when the sun's distance rises, the penumbra grows larger.
Step 2: The size of the shadow will rise as the distance between the light source and the item is reduced since less light will fall on the screen.
Step 3: The penumbra zone is larger than the umbra region when the extended source of light is larger than the opaque body. The area surrounding the umbra where the shadow is only partially or imperfectly cast is known as the penumbra.
Step 4:Umbra may be shrunk to a size smaller than a ball. In this scenario, the light source must be bigger than the ball and placed a considerable distance away from the ball.
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