Chemistry, asked by popstarastha5856, 11 months ago

What happens when 1,2-dibromoethane is heated with an dust . Give equation


Answered by lucky1742
Zn shows an oxidation state of +2. Thephenol gets converted into phenoxide ion and proton thus released accepts an electron from Zn forming H radical. ... In this way zinc forms zinc oxide and phenyl radical thus produced forms a bond with H radical. However, the yield of this reaction used for benzene formation is lower
Answered by Nyaberiduke


NOTE ;dibromoethane is also known as ethylebromide

itis a colourless liquid and volatile at the same time .it contains two bromide carbons attached to the two carbon atoms

This is the chemical used in synthesis of wax ,gums and dyes ,it is also used in making of pesticides

When heated in the air , it reacts with axygen hence aquiring oxygen atom to form water and ethane

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