What happens when: 1) Dry apricots are left for sometime impure water and later transferred to sugar solution.
2) A red blood cells is kept in concentrated saline solution?
3) Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it.
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1 At the point when dry apricots are kept in immaculate water for quite a while, they will swell subsequently of endosmosis. It will happen on the grounds that the centralization of the encompassing medium is low when contrasted with that of the apricot. When they are additionally exchanged to the sugar arrangement, they will again recoil accordingly of exosmosis in light of the fact that the convergence of the encompassing medium is high when contrasted with the apricots.
The centralization of solute is lower in water than inside the apricot. Along these lines, the water enters inside to maintain balance.
2 When a Red Blood Cell is placed in concentrated saline solution exosmosisoccurs and the RBCs shrink due to excess loss of water.
3 When Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it, osmosis does not occurs, due to the death of the cells of the leaf.
hope it helps
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The centralization of solute is lower in water than inside the apricot. Along these lines, the water enters inside to maintain balance.
2 When a Red Blood Cell is placed in concentrated saline solution exosmosisoccurs and the RBCs shrink due to excess loss of water.
3 When Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it, osmosis does not occurs, due to the death of the cells of the leaf.
hope it helps
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