What happens when doute hydrochloric acid is added to monings? Tie the
Contact answer.
Hydrogen gas and iron chloride are produced,
fb) Chlorine gas and iron hydroxide are produced.
No reaction takes place.
Iron salt and water áre produced
What is a balanced chemical equation? Why should chemical equations be
Translate the following statements Intochemical equations and then balance them
(a) Hydrogen gas combines with nitrocento form ammonia
(b) Hydrogen sulphide gas bums in air to serve water and sulpur dioxide
(c) Barium chloride reacts with aluminium sulphate to give aluminium chloride
and a precipitate of barium sulphate.
(d) Potassium metal reacts with water to give potassium hydrodde and hydrogen
Balance the following chemical equations.
(a) HNO, + Ca(OH), Ca(NO), +HO
NaOH + HS09 Na SO + H20
Hint: When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron feelings the single displacement reaction takes place. Due to a single displacement reaction the iron displaces hydrogen from hydrochloric acid and achieves the final product.
Complete Step by step solution:
Let us consider the reaction between acid and metal
Addition of acid with metal gives salt and hydrogen gas.
In this case, acid is dilute hydrochloric acid and metal is iron.
When dilute Hydrochloric acid is added to iron filings, iron(II) chloride & hydrogen gas is produced. In this reaction iron displaces hydrogen from hydrochloric acid to form iron chloride & hydrogen gas this reaction is a single displacement reaction.
The chemical reaction is given below:
Additional Information:
> Single Displacement Reaction is a chemical reaction in which one element replaces another element in a compound. Sometimes a single displacement reaction is also called a single replacement reaction.
> Let's consider another example of a single displacement reaction when potassium reacts with water, a colorless solid compound named potassium hydroxide formed and hydrogen gas are released.
> When an acid reacts with metals hydrogen gas is evolved in the form of bubbles and reaction is an exothermic reaction.
Note: When iron reacts with chlorine it forms iron(iii) chloride by redox reaction while when iron reacts with hydrochloric acid it forms iron(ii) chloride.