What happens when leftover food is thrown on roads ?
The best thing that can happen to food is that it makes it to our plates and is enjoyed. ... Around 7 million tonnes of food is thrown away by households in the UK ... eaten, it would have the same CO2
Answer:Avoiding throwing out food that could have been eaten will save you money and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Many councils now collect food waste, which can be recycled in several ways including:
In-vessel composting involves mixing food waste with garden waste – shredding it and then composting it in an enclosed systemfor around 2-4 weeks (temperatures of up to 70°C speed up the process and ensure any harmful microbes are killed off). The material is then left outside to mature for a further 1-3 months with regular turning and checks to ensure quality before going on to be used as soil conditioner.
Anaerobic Digestion uses microorganisms to break down food waste, animal manure, slurries and energy crops in the absence of oxygen, inside an enclosed system. As it breaks down it gives off methane, which is collected and converted into biogas and used to generate electricity, heat or transport fuels. It also creates a nutrient-rich digestate that can be used as a fertiliser for agriculture and in land regeneration.