What happens when the corpus callosum is damaged?
The corpus callosum joins the left and right hemispheres of the brain. If the damage is severe, the brain has the ability to form new connections, but it’s not an easy job.
Several supplements have proven track records in initiating neurogenesis, protecting and repairing DNA, and forming new neural circuits. It is, however, equally important to provide the body with the necessary nutrients in order to do so. Lysine is especially important for new growth.
The supplements I recommend to support this purpose are Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, and Bacopa. Whey protein is a good choice to fill in many nutritional gaps but also choose mineral-rich foods. ATP, (energy production) is entirely dependant on at least 3 common minerals. Both trace and micro-trace minerals are also being actively researched as to their role in human health, but suffice it to say, we need minerals.