Economy, asked by rashi9547, 3 months ago

what has been promised in the preamble of the national sports policy?​


Answered by vedantchechar





Activities relating to Sports and Physical Education are essential components of human

resource development, helping to promote good health, comradeship and a spirit of friendly

competition, which, in turn, has positive impact on the overall development of personality of

the youth. Excellence in sports enhances the sense of achievement, national pride and

patriotism. Sports also provide beneficial recreation, improve productivity and foster social

harmony and discipline.

2. A Resolution on the National Sports Policy was laid in both Houses of Parliament in

August, 1984. The National Sports Policy, 1984 was formulated with the objective of raising

the standard of Sports in the country. The National Education Policy, 1986 also incorporated

the objectives of the Policy in so far as the Education Sector was concerned. The National

Sports Policy, 1984 provided inter-alia, that the progress made in its implementation would

be reviewed every five years to determine the further course of action, as may be necessary,

following such review.

3. Over the years, it has transpired that even as the National Sports Policy, 1984 encompasses

various facets in respect of encouraging sports in the country, the implementation of the same

is not complete and leaves much to be desired. The goals and objectives laid down in the

Policy are yet to be substantially realized. A need has, therefore, been felt to reformulate the

National Sports Policy in more concrete terms, spelling out the specific measures required to

be taken by the various agencies, which are involved, in various ways, in promoting sports in

the country.


4. In terms of the National Sports Policy, 2001, the Central Government, in conjunction with

the State Government, the Olympic Association (IOA) and the National Sports Federation

will concertedly pursue the twin objectives of "Broad-basing" of Sports and "Achieving

Excellence in Sports at the National and International levels". Sports activities, in which the

country has potential strength and competitive advantage, need to be vigorously promoted.

Towards this end, Sports and Physical Education would be integrated more effectively with

the Education Curriculum.

5. While the broad-basing of Sports will, primarily remain a responsibility of the State

Governments, the Union Government will actively supplement their efforts in this direction

and for taping the latent talent, including in the rural and tribal areas. The Union Government

and the Sports Authority of India (SAI), in association with the Indian Olympic Association

and the National Sports Federations, will focus specific attention on the objective of

achieving excellence at the National and International levels.

6. The question of inclusion of "Sports" in the Concurrent List of the Constitution of India

and introduction of appropriate legislation for guiding all matters involving national and

inter-state jurisdiction, will be pursued.

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