English, asked by peter2002, 1 year ago

what has not changed over the years ? does thos suggest something to you?


Answered by kwi
i Think now the country is more developed now nEW TECHNOLOGIES ARE THERE AND THERE IS EQUALITY BETWEEN THE PEOPLE .....

Anonymous: cutie
kwi: its okkk broo
Anonymous: bye sisso may I ...........am .....your bro. .........forever for your protection ...and for .....your ..love.
kwi: awew so sweet of u byee broo
Anonymous: hi
kwi: heyy nishkuu
Anonymous: hmm
kwi: Nishkuu byee
kwi: c the statusss
Anonymous: bye
Answered by trustmyanswer
Polotics hasn't changed over the years. It suggests that the people will never get what they deserve i.e a kind person who actually cares for the country
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