Given two numbers, one with more digits is the greater number. If the number of digits in
two given numbers is the same, that number is greater, which has a greater leftmost digit
If this digit also happens to be the same, we look at the next digit on the left and so on.
In forming numbers from given digits, we should be careful to see if the conditions under
which the numbers are to be formed are satisfied. Thus, to form the greatest four digit
number from 7,8,3,5 without repeating a single digit, we need to use all four digits, the
greatest number can have only 8 as the leftmost digit.
The smallest four digit number is 1000 (one thousand). It follows the largest three digit
number 999. Similarly, the smallest five digit number is 10,000. It is ten thousand and
follows the largest four digit number 9999.
Further, the smallest six digit number is 1,00,000. It is one lakh and follows the largest five
digit number 99,999. This carries on for higher digit numbers in a similar manner.
Use of commas helps in reading and writing large numbers. In the Indian system of
numeration we have commas after 3 digits starting from the right and thereafter every
2 digits. The commas after 3.5" and 7" digits to separate thousand, lakh and crore
respectively. In the International system of numeration commas are placed after every
3 digits starting from the right. The commas after 3 and 6 digits to separate thousand
and million respectively.
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Step-by-step explanation:
Here we have discussed numbering system
Largest & smallest number with N number of digits are discussed
Numbers with equal number of digits having Left most digit greater is larger number
Then we have discussed about putting commas in numbers for easy reading in Indian & International system.
2, 123 , 456 - 2 Million 123 Thousands 456
1,231,342,621 - 1 Trillion 231 Million 342 Thousands 621
2 , 25 , 124 - 2 lacs , 25 thousand 1 hundred 24
3 , 45 , 72 , 965 - 3 crore , 45 Lacs , 72 Thousands , 9 hundred 64
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