What I Can Do
Activity 1
Directions: Underline the adverb in each sentence and tell whether the adverb expresses time, place, degree, manner, negation, frequency, or affirmation.
Example: manner (He sings well.)
1. Roel did his work very neatly.
2. Here are your slippers.
3. The child came down the steps hurriedly.
4.The pupil smiled happily at his teacher.
5. President Duterte is truly a great man.
6. The students always recite the rosary devoutly.
7. You are indeed welcome to the class.
8. His voice was not heard at the back of the room.
9. The visitors arrived too soon.
10. The Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph searched endlessly for the Child Jesus.
Answered by
did,are, came, smiled,is,recite,are,was not heard, arrived, searched
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