Computer Science, asked by anup181094, 3 months ago

what i can not do computer


Answered by VKSAINI15


It seems that computers can do almost anything today – that too at a degree much better than humans.

Therefore, you may wonder what computers cant do given the fact they have evolved so far since their inception.

Technology is advancing at an ever-steady rate and Moore’s law has proven itself true.c

The processing capabilities of modern computers have been doubling at an exponential rate and if this doesn’t scare you then you’ll probably hate to find out that a simple computer program can easily beat a chess grandmaster today.

But what does this mean? Computers are getting faster and smarter and we humans are still very much the same.

Fortunately, there is still are a few things that computers still cannot do today (yet).

Also read: can computers replace teachers?

What Computers Cant Do:

1. Show And Perceive Human Emotions

What Computers Cant Do

No matter how advanced computers get, they are still unable to show or even process human emotion.

Computers cannot show or understand fear, or desperation or love or passion. As complex as computer hardware and software get, they just can’t crack the complexity of genuine emotion.

However, scientists over at the MIT Media Lab are working on giving computers the ability to interpret emotions.

This work is done in a field of artificial intelligence (AI) known as “Affective Computing”.

The premise of the field is developing computers so that they can analyze people’s expressions and “understand” them. The human brain can very easily analyze facial expressions and from simple reasoning understand the emotion that’s being conveyed.

Despite that, the fastest computers have a hard time deciphering human emotion with as much accuracy as a person can.

2. Innovate And Be Creative

Computers are much more powerful than the smartest person at storing and retrieving information.

They are able to persist billions of bytes of data for long periods of time with minimal losses. However, can they process this information and use it to build something new?

Modern computers are still unable to piece together information and use it to come up with something completely new and creative on their own.

generative design


Well, there are computer programs that have been developed to use a process known as Generative Design to come up with certain design outputs based on given constraints.

I wouldn’t term these designs as innovative as they require human involvement in the inputs and constraints sector.

Computers also can’t come up with their own creative ideas. This is one of those things that, as I said, are difficult to program into a machine.

3. Improve Themselves

As people grow, we get better at a lot of things. We

grow stronger, bigger and get smarter. We do this naturally, all on our own.

Computers lack the ability to improve themselves. A given number of transistors in a processor will remain the same regardless of the passage of time.

The computer will not be able to change this itself. The only way that a computer can change or improve is with human intervention, like when a user decides to upgrade certain aspects of the system.

Then, and only then can a computer improve. This is true because computers lack the capacity to evolve by themselves.

While they continue to get smarter and smarter by the day, this can only be attributed to the researchers and the engineers who work to bring the upgrades.

4. Appreciate Art

Computers never cease to amaze us. There’s a sketch-bot known as Paul IX that can make sketches like a human. It has been termed as “artistic” by its creator, Patrick Tresset.

paul ix

While robots like these can create pieces of art, it is a much more difficult task for one to actually judge a piece of art. A robot can not tell whether a piece of art is good or bad.

It cannot appreciate the careful strokes of a painter and neither can it appreciate the colors nor the composition of a portrait. Appreciating art is a thing that humans have cultivated over millennia.

It has been wired into our evolution. The same can not be said for computers. While a computer can generate a piece of art autonomously like the robot mentioned above, it won’t have the processing capabilities to determine whether it is a good piece worthy of a gallery or not.

5. Make Their Own Decisions

When it comes to autonomy, computers really fall behind. Computers are able to do a lot of things very well. The only problem is, they rely on human input and directions to do so.

Computers can only be as good as the information they are given. They will do the processing based on pre-programmed algorithms and they will produce the information in a predefined format, that’s it.

They are actually really good at doing things. However, when it comes to independent thought and complete autonomy in decision making, computers are highly handicapped.

It will take a lot of time before computers are able to master this aspect of humanity.

hope it helps

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