English, asked by srishtinath24, 5 hours ago

what i found challenging in golu grows a nose class 7 ​


Answered by hariuthiras


The story Golu Grows a Nose is regarding Golu, a baby elephant that has a bulgy nose. Golu lived at a time when elephants were without trunks. Furthermore, Golu was a curious elephant who had a lot of questions.  Golu was interested in particular about knowing crocodiles and their eating habits. Finally, Golu meets a crocodile who asks Golu to come close to the river.  The crocodile then takes advantage of the opportunity and catches Golu by the nose.  The crocodile then pulls Golu in and tries to eat him. A python tries to help Golu to help him escape from the crocodile. However, something remarkable happens during this struggle. During this intense struggle of pulling and pushing, the nose of Golu grows very long.  Ultimately Golu comes to realize the dangers of trusting strangers. Moreover, he also learns about the benefits of having a long nose.


Answered by sarthak014112


Golu was interested in particular about knowing crocodiles and their eating habits. Finally, Golu meets a crocodile who asks Golu to come close to the river. The crocodile then takes advantage of the opportunity and catches Golu by the nose.

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