What I Have Learned
Write the missing word/s in each number.
1. In the Zhou dynasty, technological growth led to _____________________,
which led to the increase in wealth.
2. During the development of technology and economy, stronger
_________________________________ also grew.
3. Philosophers have often been classified as ________________________
because they were products of the proliferation of literacy and part of
the new bureaucracy.
4. Confucius is often considered as the first person to devote his whole life
to learning and teaching for the purpose of ___________________________and improvement.
5. . Zhengming helps bring social order and __________________________.
6. Mengzi believed that all humans were born with innate
_____________________ which, on one hand, can cultivate through
proper education and self-discipline; or be thrown away through
neglect and bad influence.
7. Xunzi believed that human nature is basically ___________________ but
can be improved through self-cultivation.
8. Book of _____________________ focuses on short predictions following a
type of divination called cleromancy.
9. Book of History composed of _________________________ of royalty and
ministers mainly from the Shang and Zhou dynasties.
10. Classic Rites is a compilation of ______________________________,
administration, and social forms of the Zhou dynasty.
11. Book of _____________________ is a collection of 305 songs
compiled around 600 B.C.E.
12. Some of the Confucian rituals have been classified under
___________________________, which are characterized as the person’s
growth and maturity.
13. Confucian women are the ones expected to give ________________
to the family of their groom when they get married.
14. Confucianism has been criticized on the issue of father-son
relationship, especially on the aspect of allowing the
_____________________________________ of a father requiring the son to
accept it when it occurs.
15. The Analects mentioned the subordination of _________________
to social interests.
Answered by
1 culture
2 environment
3 philosopher
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