what ia conversation of resource
Its primary focus is upon maintaining the health of the natural world, its fisheries, habitats, and biological diversity.
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Management of the human use of natural resources to provide the maximum benefit to current generations while maintainingcapacity to meet the needs of future generations. Conservation includes both the protection and rational use of naturalresources.
Earth's natural resources are either nonrenewable, such as minerals, oil, gas, and coal, or renewable, such as water, timber,fisheries, and agricultural crops. The combination of growing populations and increasing levels of resource consumption isdegrading and depleting the natural resource base. The world's population stood at 850 million at the onset of the industrialage. The global population has grown to nearly seven times as large (6 billion), and the level of consumption of resources isfar greater. This human pressure now exceeds the carrying capacity of many natural resources.
Nonrenewable resources, such as fossil fuels, are replaced over geologic time scales of tens of millions of years. Humansocieties will eventually use up all of the economically available stock of many nonrenewable resources, such as oil.Conservation entails actions to use these resources most efficiently and thereby extend their life as long as possible. Byrecycling aluminum, for example, the same piece of material is reused in a series of products, reducing the amount ofaluminum ore that must be mined. Similarly, energy-efficient products help to conserve fossil fuels since the same energyservices, such as lighting or transportation, can be attained with smaller amounts of fuel. See Human ecology
It may be expected that the biggest challenge of resource conservation would involve nonrenewable resources, sincerenewable resources can replenish themselves after harvesting. In fact, the opposite is the case. Historically, whennonrenewable resources have been depleted, new technologies have been developed that effectively substitute for thedepleted resources. Indeed, new technologies have often reduced pressure on these resources even before they are fullydepleted. Fiber optics, for example, has substituted for copper in many electrical applications, and it is anticipated thatrenewable sources of energy, such as photovoltaic cells, wind power, and hydropower, will ultimately take the place of fossilfuels when stocks are depleted. Renewable resources, in contrast, can be seriously depleted if they are subjected toexcessive harvest or otherwise degraded, and no substitutes are available for, say, clean water or food products such as fishor agricultural crops. Moreover, when the misuse of biological resources causes the complete extinction of a species or theloss of a particular habitat, there can be no substitute for that diversity of life.
“Conservation” is sometimes used synonymously with “protection.” More appropriately, however, it refers to the protectionand sustainable use of resources. Critical elements of the effective conservation of natural resources include sustainableresource management, establishment of protected areas, and ex situ (off-site) conservation.
Resource managementSome of the most pressing resource conservation problems stem directly from the mismanagement of important biologicalresources. Many marine fisheries are being depleted, for example, because of significant overcapacity of fishing vessels anda failure of resource managers to closely regulate the harvest. In theory, a renewable resource stock could be harvested atits maximum sustainable yield and maintain constant average annual productivity in perpetuity. In practice, however, fisheryharvest levels are often set too high and, in many regions, enforcement is weak, with the result that fish stocks are driven tolow levels. A similar problem occurs in relation to the management of timber resources. Short-term economic incentivesencourage cutting as many trees as quickly as possible.
A number of steps are being taken to improve resource conservation in managed ecosystems. (1) Considerable scientificresearch has been undertaken to better understand the natural variability and productivity of economically importantresources. (2) Many national and local governments have enacted regulations for resource management practices on publicand private lands. (3) In some of regions, programs recently have been established either to involve local communities whohave a greater incentive to manage for long-term production more directly in resource management decisions or to return tothem resource ownership rights. (4) Efforts are under way to manage resources on a regional or ecosystem scale usingmethods that have come to be known as ecosystem management or bioregional management. Since the actions taken inone location often influence species and processes in other locations, traditional resource conservation strategies were oftenfocused too narrowly to succeed.
Protected areasOne of the most effective strategies to protect species from extinction is the establishment of protected areas designed tomaintain populations of a significant fraction of the native species in a region. Worldwide, 9832 protected areas, totaling morethan 9.25 million square kilometers (24 million square miles), cover about 8% of land on Earth. Although these sites are notall managed exclusively for the conservation of species, they play an essential role in protecting species from extinction.