what impact does the social norm have on the poet
In the field of social psychology, the roles of norms are emphasized—which can guide behavior in a certain situation or environment as "mental representations of appropriate behavior".[6] It has been shown that normative messages can promote pro-social behavior, including decreasing alcohol use[7] and increasing voter turnout.[8] According to the psychological definition of social norms' behavioral component, norms have two dimensions: how much a behavior is exhibited, and how much the group approves of that behavior.[5] These dimensions can be used in normative messages to alter norms (and subsequently alter behaviors). A message can target the former dimension by describing high levels of voter turnout in order to encourage more turnout. Norms also can be changed contingent on the observed behavior of others (how much behavior is exhibited).
Social norms can be thought of as: "rules that prescribe what people should and should not do given their social surroundings" (known as milieu, sociocultural context) and circumstances. Examination of norms is "scattered across disciplines and research traditions, with no clear consensus on how the term should be used."[9]
It is called "Normal" in their dictionary because most of them are committing it.
Applying behaviors of a culture in a place where it shouldn't fit.
The society brainwashed them, that without it, they will become outdated.
With the media trying to convince you to pursue it rather than being hated.
That it is totally okay to deviate from the norm.
Blindly imitating in vain and clicking on "perform".
"Let's go to bars and have a drink "has become the new trend.
That they will say with a joking tone "What's the big deal, Come and bring your girlfriend".
Symptoms are getting worse with some of the provoking clothes we now see.
That anyone can wear what he likes anywhere because they are free.
And that taking drugs is fine, spreading like some sort of an epidemic disease.
That People will sell & buy publicly as others are passing, and they won't even freeze!
They make a mess of their own selves by giving it all a fake excuse.
Pathetic how it is really at the end about their own amuse.
Picking what they like, going against our morals and ethics.
Some School girls getting pregnant, that it makes me sick.
I am afraid that one day this will take over and our culture will disappear.
And that "it is fine" will be the typical answer to any behavior is what I fear.
To see Generations raised on the wrong one thinking it is the right.
And the only few remaining ones will get confused giving up their fight.
So don't think twice about buying a culture that doesn't fit you.
That will make your old you seem like someone you barely knew.
Don't let in foreigners control your identity.
Avoid getting lost in the storm, hold on to your serenity.
Don't change your root trying to plant a new seed.
That the soil doesn't take, like a dead one indeed.