What in addition to imagingation required to expand consciousness?
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Here are 10 different ways to begin integrating a higher level of consciousness and start raising your frequency. You may want to pick a few of these that speak to you and start being mindful of including them in your daily life.
Practice thankfulness every single day. It’s helpful to keep a gratitude journal nearby to help you remember to take the time to express thanks for the many blessings in your life. When you’re feeling down and out, remembering the little gifts and joys in your life can help raise your vibration immensely. In addition, be sure to express gratitude directly to those for whom you are thankful.
“Think happy thoughts” is more than just a saying. When we get overrun with negativity, our vibration lowers. Striving to think more positively helps us to align with happiness, bringing us better health, longevity, and relationships. An easy way to stay positive is to acknowledge negative thoughts, see them for what they are, and allow them to shift into something more hopeful and true. Remember, your thoughts become things, so be sure you’re thinking of good things!
What we put in our bodies directly affects our frequency. Healthy foods, like fruit and veggies, fresh herbs, and whole foods help flush out toxins and increase our vibration. Fast food and processed meals, on the other hand, starve our bodies of nutrients while lowering its vibration. Ever wonder why you feel sluggish after a Big Mac? It’s not just your physical body that’s in turmoil – it’s your spiritual body, as well. You truly are what you eat!
Do yoga (or a similar practice, such as tai chi) to shift your mental vibration. Practicing yoga helps us to reach higher states of enlightenment while grounding in the present moment. It’s important to avoid fad yogas that are aimed solely at physical goals, such as weight loss, and aim to practice forms that incorporate the mental, physical, and spiritual.
Rebounding is is a low-impact exercise that’s performed on a trampoline. Although it’s popular for burning calories and strength training, this easy (and fun!) way to work out can also increase the body’s vibration. Rebounding enhances lymphatic drainage, which helps clear the body of toxins and stagnant energy, and the element of play itself raises our vibration. So, bounce away!
Meditation increases awareness and helps us gain control over the mind and body. It opens the doors to inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awareness which, in turn, helps us connect with angels and the higher self. Consistency is better than length when it comes to this practice – for instance, it’s better to meditate every day for ten minutes rather than once a month for an hour. Aim to meditate daily in order to maintain a high vibrational state.
Think about the people you tend to hang out with (and those who tend to gravitate towards you). Taking a step back and observing our circle of friends and acquaintances can paint an accurate picture of where our vibration may be lacking. Be sure to surround yourself with people who support you, see you, and are living fulfilling lives themselves. The very act of being around positive people can help inspire, motivate, and raise your vibration substantially.
Doing something new and exciting is the key to living a fulfilling life! When we get stuck in ruts, our energy can become stagnant and stale. Opening ourselves up to new experiences, people, and situations can give us the wake up call that we need. Take matters into your own hands by planning a spur of the moment trip, calling an old friend for a fun rendezvous, taking a different route home, trying a new food, etc. Not all adventures have to be big ones – start small and see where the wind takes you.
Opening your heart doesn’t mean becoming a doormat for other people and their personal dramas. It means being more vulnerable and courageous in giving and receiving love. Love is a very high frequency emotion and, unfortunately, not many of us get enough of it. Make sure that you reach balance here, neither spreading yourself too thin or taking too much. The key to living an authentic life is to trust, hope, and open your heart to both giving and receiving.
This is an easy one! Make time to step outdoors often, even if it’s just for a quick stroll around the block. We can all find the time to breath fresh air, stick our feet in the earth, and hug a tree. You can enjoy nature indoors, too, by striving to make a connection with your plants. Sing to them, talk to them, and enjoy the practice of connecting with mother earth and allowing her to increase your vibration.
Practice thankfulness every single day. It’s helpful to keep a gratitude journal nearby to help you remember to take the time to express thanks for the many blessings in your life. When you’re feeling down and out, remembering the little gifts and joys in your life can help raise your vibration immensely. In addition, be sure to express gratitude directly to those for whom you are thankful.
“Think happy thoughts” is more than just a saying. When we get overrun with negativity, our vibration lowers. Striving to think more positively helps us to align with happiness, bringing us better health, longevity, and relationships. An easy way to stay positive is to acknowledge negative thoughts, see them for what they are, and allow them to shift into something more hopeful and true. Remember, your thoughts become things, so be sure you’re thinking of good things!
What we put in our bodies directly affects our frequency. Healthy foods, like fruit and veggies, fresh herbs, and whole foods help flush out toxins and increase our vibration. Fast food and processed meals, on the other hand, starve our bodies of nutrients while lowering its vibration. Ever wonder why you feel sluggish after a Big Mac? It’s not just your physical body that’s in turmoil – it’s your spiritual body, as well. You truly are what you eat!
Do yoga (or a similar practice, such as tai chi) to shift your mental vibration. Practicing yoga helps us to reach higher states of enlightenment while grounding in the present moment. It’s important to avoid fad yogas that are aimed solely at physical goals, such as weight loss, and aim to practice forms that incorporate the mental, physical, and spiritual.
Rebounding is is a low-impact exercise that’s performed on a trampoline. Although it’s popular for burning calories and strength training, this easy (and fun!) way to work out can also increase the body’s vibration. Rebounding enhances lymphatic drainage, which helps clear the body of toxins and stagnant energy, and the element of play itself raises our vibration. So, bounce away!
Meditation increases awareness and helps us gain control over the mind and body. It opens the doors to inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awareness which, in turn, helps us connect with angels and the higher self. Consistency is better than length when it comes to this practice – for instance, it’s better to meditate every day for ten minutes rather than once a month for an hour. Aim to meditate daily in order to maintain a high vibrational state.
Think about the people you tend to hang out with (and those who tend to gravitate towards you). Taking a step back and observing our circle of friends and acquaintances can paint an accurate picture of where our vibration may be lacking. Be sure to surround yourself with people who support you, see you, and are living fulfilling lives themselves. The very act of being around positive people can help inspire, motivate, and raise your vibration substantially.
Doing something new and exciting is the key to living a fulfilling life! When we get stuck in ruts, our energy can become stagnant and stale. Opening ourselves up to new experiences, people, and situations can give us the wake up call that we need. Take matters into your own hands by planning a spur of the moment trip, calling an old friend for a fun rendezvous, taking a different route home, trying a new food, etc. Not all adventures have to be big ones – start small and see where the wind takes you.
Opening your heart doesn’t mean becoming a doormat for other people and their personal dramas. It means being more vulnerable and courageous in giving and receiving love. Love is a very high frequency emotion and, unfortunately, not many of us get enough of it. Make sure that you reach balance here, neither spreading yourself too thin or taking too much. The key to living an authentic life is to trust, hope, and open your heart to both giving and receiving.
This is an easy one! Make time to step outdoors often, even if it’s just for a quick stroll around the block. We can all find the time to breath fresh air, stick our feet in the earth, and hug a tree. You can enjoy nature indoors, too, by striving to make a connection with your plants. Sing to them, talk to them, and enjoy the practice of connecting with mother earth and allowing her to increase your vibration.
mark it as Brainliest please mate
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