English, asked by Shiela19, 9 months ago

What in your mind if talks about poetry?


Answered by choudharybhavana1209


Aside from the charm, musicality, and memorability verse lends to poetry, we expect great poetry to display qualities of invention and imagination. The word "poet" means, in Greek, "maker." To the early Greeks the poet was a creator with singular gifts of inspiration, invention, and composition. The poet invented fables, fictions, myths, and stories that conveyed deep truths about the world and human life. This ability of the poet to create something new and interesting was remarked upon by Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night's Dream.


Answered by faisalfiroz02


wonder what facet of poetry you refer to - it’s impact? It’s unity? The tangible rhyme scheme and meter of it? I will just assume all of the above and allow myself to ramble ;)

Poetry, to me, is the life spring of human language. Of course we require the oceans of vocabulary and the rivers of practical speech to carry our day to day interactions. But bliss it is to tap into those hidden mountain springs of tranquil and ferocious thought..

Poetry is beautiful for its rawness. The rawness of poets like Poe, simultaneously enraptured and terrified by the power of the dark. The rawness of Longfellow and the epic power of his meter (The Seaside and the Fireside). The rawness of dear Lord Byron, sweetly melancholic and aching for all the pain and pride of living..

Poetry is unifying. At the core of every human soul pangs the longing for something greater. As a Christian myself, I know this ache in me to be the longing for Heaven. We long to play an integral part in this human drama, and poets from all ages and nations, centuries and backgrounds, they capture and reflect this exquisitely through the language of the life spring. The more poetry I read, the more open I am to different kinds. I’ll read a poem and think to myself, “Oh, how scattered… this is too harsh for my liking.” And then I remember the uniqueness of the soul behind the writing, and the message being sent with a vulnerable spirit, and I see it suddenly in new color. Look into The Poetry Foundation. You just might like what you find.

Hope it helps you.

please mark it as brainliest.

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