what insight do we get into the lives of the poor children during the Victorian period through this story? ( ch Little Match Girl)
The story Little Match Girl reflects the theme of class differentiation through character of the little girl, who was sent by her father to sell the matches in the cold chilly weather at the evening night inspite of the fact that she has no proper warm clothes, she was in a tortured clothes, moreover she was so hungry enough with no shoes and proper clothing.
But the most important thing is that it was the last evening of the year i.e 31st December.
This reflects the poor philosophy of life during the Victorian period.
During the Victorian era, begging along roadside was illegal, so children used to sell matches in compensation to begging.
The bad condition of the poor people was shown through the housing condition of the little girl, which has only floor and no proper roof . moreover there was some holes in the walls which was closed by old torched clothes and rags.
During this time the condition of poor people was so poor that they have no food to eat and proper shelter to live and they were living a hungry life with too much proverty.
At the end of this story, the little girl was unable to earn the single penny so that her family can also celebrate the new year day and was being afraid of going home because of beaten by her father.
She sat down against the wall and because of too much cold and hunger the little girl died.
The rich people were enjoying the pleasant life, they have no kindness, sympathy towards the poor ones.
This reflects the differentiation during the Victorian age.