What inspiration we get from the book Wings of fire..
I read the book over two times and each time the book gives me same energy level and enthusiasm in the work. The story of Sir Kalam gives me inspiration. I want to thanks to the writer you bring this book us. There are many messages are mention in this book which helped me to understand the role of youth and leaders in the nation development.
Of the many, many things that one can learn from the life of one of our greatest Presidents/Scientists/Fellow humans, the biggest things I learnt from Wings of Fire are:
Dedication, towards your goals and dreams.
Tolerance, so that no behaviour or act of others can detach you from your determination.
Humility, so that none of your achievements makes you proudy such that you start getting angry and intolerant towards that you cannot control.
Hope, so that you don't feel you are a foolish human being who is trying to make things better for others.
Conviction, to your ideals and morals so that you are able to discriminate the right from the wrong.