English, asked by gaduputishilpa1987, 2 months ago

What insult has Antonio heaped upon Shylock
How does Shylock plan to get the money immediately? What light does this
extract throw on Shylock's character?
Section -B (Prose)
on 4.
he extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
ot look like a shepherd nor a herdsman and I looked at his black dusty clothes
ty face and his steel rimmed and spectacles and said, "what animals were the
Who is referred to as 'He' in the extract above? In what condition is 'He'?
What all animals did he own?
What kind of relationship did he share with this animal? What did he do
with the animals before leaving?
Why doesn't the old man cross the bridge and escape to the safer place?
How does the narrator try to relieve the old man of his worries?


Answered by maviahfalak


blah blah and blah


What ur geduiwhsdj;oifwekl 8aq;O

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