What invention would be useful to people in their everyday lives?
1. Finger guard
You save your fingers from becoming a slice of the onion and from the awf.ul smell of them. Just don't use your finger guard to wipe the onion-induced tears away.
2. Bottle Opener Remote
Made for the moments when you don't want to miss that epic match, but which also deserves a sip of the cold chilled b.eer you just took out from the freezer.
3. Self-locking bendy bike
Thank God for this, I don't have to carry a lock and a rusted metal chain everywhere.
4. Gum packaging with built-in garbage compartment
For people with major OCD (including me) about throwing that tiny piece of wrapper.
5. Portable Razor
I have seen a scruff of many a men and have heard them complaining about how they should have shaved last night, instead of getting pi.ss drunk. This one should help.
6. Suitcase- scooter
When you make it to the airport an hour and a half early and you have nothing to do or when you want to speed up from your leisurely gait, with the flight just about to take off, just hop on your suitcases!
7. Rucksack Bike
The ultimate gear for all the cycling enthusiasts.
8. Rewind
All your earphones tangling troubles are going to vanish into thin air with this pretty piece of invention. And it comes in different colours.
9. Coolest Cooler
Coolest cooler is the coolest and the best cooler to carry around. It has a phone charger, a bottle opener and a blender. Perfect for a Sunday afternoon picnic.
10. Plates with glass holder
This comes handy for all those get-together where you never get a seat.