Physics, asked by trishala4, 1 year ago

what is 4th dimension?


Answered by Anonymous


0 D : (point) having nothing
1 D :( line) having only length
2 D : having only length and Breadth
3 D : having length, Breadth and height.

But what's 4 D??


According to Newton's and galileo's transformation : when a body goes from one frame of reference to other then physical quantities like length, time and mass have nt experiences any type of change.

But concept of Relativity(by Einstein in 1905) forwarded that these all have changes in case of high velocity near c (299,792,458 m/s).

But he continued to thought abt non inertial frame of reference as special Relativity is only for inertial frame of reference.


In 1915, he published GTR (General Theory of Relativity) explain abt gravity and more partial equations.

Then he gave idea of spacetime (Miniwoski space) .

Here space is 3D (lbh) and time is 4th dimension.


Time is known as 4th dimension.

String Theory predicted 11 dimensions in this Multiverse while M Theory : 26.

Hope it's helpful to u :))

AMAYTRIPATHI: nice answer
Geniusshivanshu1111: you are wrong
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