What is a cloud ,,? Write its type
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A cloud is a collection of water vapor and fine particles at a greater height in the sky formed due to the process of condensation. According to the international classification, clouds are divided into three main types based on their altitudes above sea level:
1. High Clouds: The clouds which are at a height of 7000 to 14000m and contain ice particles are known as high clouds. They include Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus clouds.
2. Medium Clouds: These clouds have a general altitude of 2000 to 7000 meters. They comprise alto-stratus and alto-cumulus clouds.
3. Low Clouds: These are at an altitude of fewer than 2000 meters. They are divided into five types.
a. Strato-cumulus
b. Stratus Clouds
c. Nimbostratus Clouds
d. Cumulus Clouds