what is a diet of a badminton player
Badminton players should aim to have a healthy balanced diet consisting of:
Vegetables and legumes
Wholegrain bread & pasta, brown rice, noodles, wholegrain cereals, new potatoes with the skin
Low Fat dairy products – Milk, yoghurt and cheese
Protein rich foods – Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, tofu and pulses
Healthy fats – Olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado
Lot of water
Carbohydrates are the essential sustenance needed to provide energy for high intensity training or during competition. Therefore, meals should be based around foods rich in healthy carbohydrates to ensure sufficient fuel during activity. Try not to consume foods high in saturated fats and limit overall fat intake.
Pre competition meal :
A pre-competition meal is important to maximise glycogen stores which will fuel the body during competition. The meal should be consumed approximately 2-4 hours prior to competition to allow enough time for food to be digested. Ideally the meal should consist of a rich source of carbohydrates, be low in fat and fibre to allow for easier digestion and avoid stomach discomfort during exercise.
Toast/crumpet/muffins + spread + yoghurt
Bowl of cereal + reduced fat milk + fruit
Pasta + tomato based sauce + dinner roll
Ham & Cheese Roll/sandwich + fruit
Smoothie with reduced fat milk/yoghurt, fruit & honey
You can also have low fat food ,it gives you enough proteins and fibre .