what is a disaster

Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters Skip to sections:
Extreme Cold Weather | Flooding | Heat | Tornadoes | Wildfires
Extreme Cold Weather
•Winter Weather
From the CDC.
•Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
From FEMA.
DSHS Fact Sheets
•Returning to a Flooded Building
•Flooding and Diarrheal Illness
•Floods and Flash Floods
Topics include: How to Reduce Potential Flood Damage, How Long Will a Flood Take to Develop, What to Do When a Flood Watch Is Issued. From the American Red Cross.
•DSHS Fact Sheet – Heat Precautions
•DSHS Fact Sheet – Tornadoes
•DSHS Fact Sheet – Wildfires
•DSHS Fact Sheet - Wildfire Recovery
Note: External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. These sites may also not be accessible to people with disabilities.