what is a female fox called?
Male foxes are known as dogs, tods or reynards, females as vixens, and young as cubs, pups, or kits, though the latter name is not to be confused with a distinct species called kit foxes. ... A group of foxes is referred to as a skulk, leash, or earth.
Male foxes are known as dogs, tods or reynards, females as vixens, and young as cubs, pups, or kits, though the latter name is not to be confused with a distinct species called kit foxes. ... A group of foxes is referred to as a skulk, leash, or earth.Family: Canidae
Male foxes are known as dogs, tods or reynards, females as vixens, and young as cubs, pups, or kits, though the latter name is not to be confused with a distinct species called kit foxes. ... A group of foxes is referred to as a skulk, leash, or earth.Family: CanidaeSuborder: Caniformia
Female foxes are called Vixens