What is a floating barrier for checking the spread of an oil slick?
A boom is a floating barrier used to contain oil, they are mechanical barriers, which extend above and below the water surface. They are used to: 1) divert oil spills to areas where cleanup can be performed, 2) contain and concentrate spilled oil, and 3) protect environmentally sensitive areas threatened by oil spills (Robert et al., 1989). Although the size, shape, and materials of construction vary, booms generally have four basic components. As shown in figure 2 most booms include 1) a means of flotation, such as a air-filled compartment or solid float, 2) a freeboard section which extends above the water surface and prevents oil from flowing over the top of the boom, 3) a skirt which extends below the surface to keep oil from escaping beneath the boom, and 4) a tension member which gives the boom strength to withstand forces exerted by currents, waves, and winds.