what is a form ? list a few examples
An example of form is the circular shape of an apple. An example of form is a job application.
A common use of forms is to collect visitor or contact data in return for information. The form acts as a "gate" to the content, the contact must enter their details in certain required fields in order to gain access to the information they require. The amount of data that the form submitter must provide should correspond to the value of the information you are providing. For instance, if you are allowing access to a high-level white paper that contains a great deal of useful information about a trend or industry, you can request more contact data in return. If you are linking to a product demo, visitors may not be willing to give up as much information unless they are already highly motivated and deep into the sales cycle.
a particular type or variety of something or a way of doing something
किसी वस्तु या कार्यप्रणाली का विशेष रूप; प्रकार
Swimming is an excellent form of exercise.
Swimming is an excellent form of exercise.
We never eat meat in any form.
We never eat meat in any form.
the shape of somebody/something
किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की आकृति या आकार
The articles will be published in book form.
The articles will be published in book form.
an official document with questions on it and spaces where you give answers and personal information
व्यक्तिगत सूचना आदि देने के लिए प्रयुक्त प्रपत्र; फ़ॉर्म
an entry form for a competition
an entry form for a competition
to fill in an application form
to fill in an application form
a way of spelling or changing a word in a sentence
शब्द की विशेष वर्तनी देने या उसमें परिवर्तन का एक प्रकार; रूप
the irregular forms of the verbs
the irregular forms of the verbs
The plural form of mouse is mice.
The plural form of mouse is mice.
the state of being fit and strong for a sports player, team, etc.
खिलाड़ी, टीम आदि की स्वस्थ होने की स्थिति
to be in/out of form
to be in/out of form
how well somebody/something is performing at a particular time, for example in sport or business
समय विशेष में किसी की दक्षता का स्तर (विशेषतः खेल या व्यापार में)
to be on/off form
to be on/off form
On present form the Italian team should win easily.
On present form the Italian team should win easily.
to begin to exist or to make something exist
कुछ होने की शुरुआत होना; अस्तित्व में आना
A pattern was beginning to form in the monthly sales figures.
A pattern was beginning to form in the monthly sales figures.
These tracks were formed by rabbits.
These tracks were formed by rabbits.
to make or organize something
कुछ बनाना या संगठित करना
to form a government
to form a government
In English we usually form the past tense by adding ‘-ed’.
In English we usually form the past tense by adding ‘-ed’.
to become or make a particular shape
विशेष आकार धारण करना या बनाना; विशिष्ट संरचना बनाना
The police formed a circle around the house.
The police formed a circle around the house.
to form a line/queue
to form a line/queue
to be the thing mentioned
निर्दिष्ट वस्तु होना, जैसा बताया गया है वैसा होना
Seminars form the main part of the course.
Seminars form the main part of the course.
The survey formed part of a larger programme of market research.
The survey formed part of a larger programme of market research.
to begin to have or think something
कुछ बनाने या सोचने लगना