What is a leap year?
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Leap year is an year when 1 extra day is added to year Means,
Normal year have 365 days
But In leap year its 366 days
The leap year comes after every 4 years
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A leap year has 366 days (the extra day is 29th of Feburary) (52 complete weeks + 2 extra days = 366 days)
A leap year is divisible by 4 except for a century. For a century to be a lepa year it must be divisible by 400.
- Years like 1998 , 2008 are leap years (divisible by 4)
- Centuries like 2000, 2400 are leap years (divisible by 400)
- Years like 1999 , 2003 are not leap years (not divisible by 4)
- Centuries like 1700 , 1800 are not leap years (not divisible by 400).
- In a century, there are 76 ordinary years and 24 leap year.
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