Biology, asked by Anand2Kr5Maurya, 1 year ago

What is a llama? Please elaborate on your answer. ​


Answered by wordisticcontent

A llama can be understood as a South American domesticated camel. It is abundantly used as a pack animal and for its meat since a long time in the region. Its name was taken up by the early European settlers from the native Peruvians. It's height can be from 1.7 to 1.8 m at the top of its head. It can weigh anywhere between 130 kg to 200 kg. During birth, a baby llama may weigh around 9 kg to 14 kg. They generally live for about 15 to 25 years. These are quite social animals and live in herds. Their wool can be lanolin-free and soft. They also seem to be quite intelligent and can also learn some basic task. They can carry at least 25 to 30% of the weight of their body for almost 8 to 13 km. They seem to have originated in North America almost 40 million years back and migrated to South America nearly three million years ago. In 2007, their population was more than seven million in South America.

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