What is a more better online classes or offline classes.. tell your own opinion about school and homework.
teachers have face-to-face learning. Both forms of education have their advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of online education:
It is flexible; can be accessed from anywhere with a device and internet connection.
Convenient attendance.
Class recordings are available for later references.
Disadvantages of online education:
One of the major disadvantages faced by students learning online is managing screen time. Online education requires staying logged in on the screen for an extended period regularly. Long-duration screen time becomes a great difficulty for the students and harmful for their health as well, especially the eyes.
Another disadvantage includes technical glitches. Poor Internet connectivity issues also arise multiple times during online sessions. Small towns/cities, urban areas face the most difficulty maintaining stable Internet connection. It destroys the learning of the students.
Other disadvantages include: Feeling of isolation by individuals, Minimal peer help, Group work not as efficient as it would be if done offline.
Advantages of Offline classes:
Students are fully attentive towards class only; less distraction. Online classes have more possibilities of distractions where students may surf on other online platforms or pay less attention in class.
Teachers can provide individual attention to the students, address their issues and solve it quickly.
Disadvantages of Offline classes:
Students may lack the opportunity to learn advancing technology.
Time management becomes an issue for students who reside far away from campus.
No recording or any other form of data is not always available for students who missed the class or later references.
According to me, both are equal in their places..but I prefer offline classes..as it creates a visual understanding for both the teachers and children. As it is fun in online classes same is in offline..but due to continuous studies without break, sitting for 7-8 hours is really boring so many prefer online. But about the practical, then we can only get from offline..from my experiences I faced many problems related to practical studies which cannot be fulfilled In online..and we also can fun with friends in offline rather in online..and about homework then I really hate that thing..but we don't have any option..
Hope uh like it..and yes join school fast..uhr missing many things.✌