Chemistry, asked by atul34567, 11 months ago

what is a neutralization reaction. give two practical applications of neutralization


Answered by DevilDoll12


⏪The reaction between an Acid and a Base is called neutralization reaction . It can be represented as ;

Acid +. Base ------------------ Salt + water

Example ,

HCl + NaOH ------------------ NaCl + H2O


Applications :

⏪When an ant bites a person , we apply calamine solution because the ant injects formic acid which is neutralized by the basic calamine solution .

⏪When a person suffers from acidity , He is advised to take Antacids . Because the excessive acid in the stomach is neutralized by the basic antacids tablet

Answered by dhanwinprejith123

Neutralization reaction is the reaction between acid and the base

The two practical application of neutralization are hydrocloric acid. To much of hrdrocloric acid causes indigestion.

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