what is a ' solar storm '
Solar storms are a variety of eruptions of mass and energy from the solar surface. Flares, prominences, sunspots, coronal mass ejections are the common harbingers of solar activity, as are plages and other related phenomena seen at other wavelengths
Solar storms are eruptions of mass (in form of
particles) and energy (in form of radiation) from
the solar surface. Sudden release of stored
magnetic energy, which accelerates the hot gases
near the surface (the corona) of the Sun
Sometimes these particles make it all the way to
the Earth and beyond by flowing along the Sun's
magnetic field. When the particle collides with the
Earth's magnetic field, they can produce their own
magnetic fields which can modify the Earth's
magnetic field and affect compass readings. The
changing magnetic fields can also induce electric
currents in pipelines or produce electrical surges
in our power grids leading to brown outs
(reduction in power output) and black outs (total
power outage)