English, asked by piyush8362, 1 year ago

What is a source? Write a few sentences on it .


Answered by blossomag


Sources in a piece of academic writing are the materials from which the writer gathers ideas and information.

Print sources such as books and journals are the most frequently used sources in academic writing.

Non-print sources such as music recordings, radio or television broadcasts or transcripts, internet sites, films or images may also be important sources in some disciplines.

Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources

It is useful to categorise sources as primary, secondary or tertiary. To understand the difference between them, you need to think about sources in terms of relative proximity to an original event or experience.

Primary sources Secondary sources Tertiary sources

Proximity to original event: A primary source is the source closest to the original event, research or experience. A secondary source of evidence is one step removed from the original (primary) source. It is usually based on the primary source. A tertiary source is one more step removed from the original (primary) source. It is usually based on a range of secondary sources.


an original letter

an original diary or journal

original notes from an experiment or piece of research

a novel, poem or play

an art work, theatrical performance or musical score or performance

a literary critique based on a poem, play or novel

a history book based on primary historical sources

a scientific report based on primary experimental notes

a journal article reviewing a number of different approaches (secondary sources) to a subject

a book of readings presenting different perspectives on the subject matter you are studying

a text book reviewing and interpreting a number of scientific discoveries, experiments or approaches

Which sources to use?

In academic writing, you should assume that you are required to use secondary and tertiary sources unless:

your lecturer or tutor specifically indicates that you should focus on the primary source(s), or

you are asked to write an entirely personal response to a primary source such as a poem, a piece of music, a performance, an artwork, or a video clip.

Answered by Anonymous


When writing papers that require the use of outside source material, it is often tempting to cite only direct quotations from your sources. If, however, this is the only method of citation you choose, your paper will become nothing more than a series of quotations linked together by a few connecting words. Your paper will seem to be a collection of others’ thoughts and will contain little thinking on your part.

To avoid falling into this trap, follow a few simple pointers:

Avoid using long quotations merely as space-fillers. While this is an attractive option when faced with a ten-page paper, the overuse of long quotations gives the reader the impression you cannot think for yourself.

Don’t use only direct quotations. Try using paraphrases in addition to your direct quotations. To the reader, the effective use of paraphrases indicates that you took the time to think about the meaning behind the quote’s words. (For further assistance see our materials on “Using Paraphrases.”)

When introducing direct quotations, try to use a variety of verbs in your signal phrases. Don’t always rely on stock verbs such as “states” or “says.” Think for a little while about the purpose of your quotation and then choose a context-appropriate verb.

Also, when using direct quotations try qualifying them in a novel or interesting manner. Depending on the system of documentation you’re using, the signal phrases don’t always have to introduce the quotation.

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