Science, asked by Anonymous, 2 months ago

What is a statistical investigation? Describe the preliminary steps you would take in planning a
statistical investigation. In connection with the above discuss the statement, ‘Statistical
methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert’.
You have been asked to conduct a statistical enquiry. Outline the preliminary steps that you
would take before commencing the work of collection of data. In connection to the above
discuss the validity of the statement, ‘A secondary source is not as reliable as a primary source

Ok then bwye bwye
This acc is on deletion too

And me habe no pwoints now
¯\_( ツ )_/¯​


Answered by Anonymous

An information gathering and learning process that is undertaken to seek meaning from and to learn more about any aspect of the real world, as well as to help make informed decisions and take informed actions.

Answered by hemantsuts012



Statistical investigation, thus, implies search for knowledge with the help of statistical devices like collection, classification, analysis and interpretation, etc.


What is a statistical investigation? Describe the preliminary steps you would take in planning a

statistical investigation. In connection with the above discuss the statement, ‘Statistical

methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert’.

You have been asked to conduct a statistical enquiry. Outline the preliminary steps that you

would take before commencing the work of collection of data. In connection to the above

discuss the validity of the statement, ‘A secondary source is not as reliable as a primary source


What is a statistical investigation? Describe the preliminary steps you would take in planning a

statistical investigation. In connection with the above discuss the statement, ‘Statistical

methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert’.

You have been asked to conduct a statistical enquiry. Outline the preliminary steps that you

would take before commencing the work of collection of data. In connection to the above

discuss the validity of the statement, ‘A secondary source is not as reliable as a primary source.


By the term investigation (or enquiry) we mean the search for information or knowledge. Statistical investigation, thus, implies search for knowledge with the help of statistical devices like collection, classification, analysis and interpretation, etc. According to Griffin, "Statistical enquiries have always required considerable skill on the part of the statistician, rooted in a broad knowledge of the subject matter area and combined with considerable ingenuity in overcoming practical difficulties." So to apply statistical methods to any problem it is necessary to collect the numerical facts since statistical analysis is not possible without them.

The main steps utilized in a statistical investigation include four components: clarifying the problem and formulating questions or hypotheses that can be answered with the data, designing or creating an appropriate experiment that can collect the data required, finding and using the appropriate techniques needed to.

Statistical investigation is a long and comprehensive process. It extends over vario initial planning to the final preparation of the report. The various stages are:

1. Planning of statistical investigation.

2. Collection of data.

3. Editing of data.

4. Presentation of data.

5. Analysis of data.

6. Interpretation of data.

7. Preparation of the report.


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