what is a structured interview and what types of questions are included in a structured interview?
Depending on the type of job position available, the questions may vary. However, structured job interview questions are often open-ended. They generally include behavioral interview questions and situational interview questions. Learn more about structured interviews.
Structured interviews are a series of standardized interview questions designed to assess job candidates on a range of qualities important to the organization. The questions are provided to hiring managers ahead of time and are administered to all candidates in the same order.
Talk about how you would handle [common job challenge].
Give me an example of a time you had to [important job skill].
Who is the best [position they’re applying for] you’ve worked with? Why?
Which other companies in [your industry] do you admire? Why?
What is the most challenging thing about [position they’re applying for]?
What is your favorite thing about [position they’re applying for]?
What do you think will be your biggest challenges with [position]?