what is a wave ??????????/
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A wave is just a disturbance that travel through some medium .
A wave motion is a means of transferring energy and momentum from one point to another without any actual transportaion of matter between these points .
The mechanism of propogation of waves can be understood in terms of terms essential properties of the medium
by Inertia and elasticity .
when a stone hits a particle of water the particle moves down , here a restoring force is developed on account of elasticity of water .
the work done against restoring force is stored in particle in the form of the potential energy
the potential energy of the particles is converted into K.E .
on account of the inertia therefore tje particle can't stop .
it overshoot its mean position and goes above the mean position till its entire K.E converted into potential energy then again particle travel to its mean position . under the action of restoring force again and so on .
thus the particle of water disturbed once , execute periodic vibrations due to elasticity and inertia .
this transferred to adjoning particle vibrating S.H.Mlly about the mean position . Hence wave travels on and on .
Types of waves
a) Mechanical
those which only propogate in a medium
ex : waves on string
b) Electro magnetic waves
those which require no medium
ex ; X- ray , microwaves
c) matter waves
waves associated with moving particle of matter like electrons , protons and neutrons etc
A wave motion is a means of transferring energy and momentum from one point to another without any actual transportaion of matter between these points .
The mechanism of propogation of waves can be understood in terms of terms essential properties of the medium
by Inertia and elasticity .
when a stone hits a particle of water the particle moves down , here a restoring force is developed on account of elasticity of water .
the work done against restoring force is stored in particle in the form of the potential energy
the potential energy of the particles is converted into K.E .
on account of the inertia therefore tje particle can't stop .
it overshoot its mean position and goes above the mean position till its entire K.E converted into potential energy then again particle travel to its mean position . under the action of restoring force again and so on .
thus the particle of water disturbed once , execute periodic vibrations due to elasticity and inertia .
this transferred to adjoning particle vibrating S.H.Mlly about the mean position . Hence wave travels on and on .
Types of waves
a) Mechanical
those which only propogate in a medium
ex : waves on string
b) Electro magnetic waves
those which require no medium
ex ; X- ray , microwaves
c) matter waves
waves associated with moving particle of matter like electrons , protons and neutrons etc
ty bro
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