What is absolute number
Absolute value is a term used in mathematics to indicate the distance of a point or number from the origin (zero point) of a number line or coordinate system.
The absolute value is always a positive number except for zero, as zero is neither positive or negative. Absolute value refers to the distance of a number from zero, regardless of direction. The distance is always positive, as absolute value of a number cannot be negative. Use this term to refer to the distance of a point or number from the origin (zero) of a number line.
The symbol to show the absolute value is two vertical lines: | -5 | = 5. This means that the absolute value of "-5" is "5" because "-5" is five units away from zero. Put another way:
|5| shows that the absolute value of 5 is 5.
|-5| shows that the absolute value of -5 is 5