English, asked by akshaypise96, 16 days ago

what is account of work done or supply of materials made, and included the particulars and quantities of work done or material supplied their rates and amount.​


Answered by goonjain






Answered by monica789412

Measurement book is account of work done or supply of materials made, and included the particulars and quantities of work done or material supplied their rates and amount.​

Definition and Uses of measurement book:

  • The measurement book is an account of work completed or materials delivered, and it contains the specifics and quantities of work completed or items supplied, as well as their rates and amounts.
  • The muster roll of casual labor register of work progress of regular gangs indicates the work done and the wages payable for work done by daily labor. The measuring book serves as the accounting foundation for contract work.
  • Only after getting approval from the appropriate department can casual muster rolls be utilized.


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