Biology, asked by Abhijeet5366, 1 year ago

What is acesulfame potassium?


Answered by ajmal64
Acesulfame potassium, also known as acesulfame K or Ace K, is a calorie-free sugar substitute often marketed under the trade names Sunett and Sweet One.
Answered by Anonymous
Acesulfame potassium (/ˌeɪsiːˈsʌlfeɪm/ AY-see-SUL-faym), also known as acesulfame K (K is the symbol for potassium) or Ace K, is a calorie-free sugar substitute (artificial sweetener) often marketed under the trade names Sunett and Sweet One. In the European Union, it is known under the E number (additive code) E950.

E number: E950 (glazing agents,...)

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