what is Acorn woodpecker bird explain

The acorn woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker, 21 cm long, with an average weight of 85 g. Wikipedia
Species: M. formicivorus
Family: Picidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Piciformes
Genus: Melanerpes
Phylum: Chordata
The acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a medium-sized woodpecker, 21 cm (8.3 in) long, with an average weight of 85 g (3.0 oz).
Acorn woodpecker
Melanerpes formicivorus -San Luis Obispo, California, USA -male-8.jpg
Male in California, United States
Acorn Woodpeckers eat acorns and insects (and other arthropods). The woodpeckers harvest acorns directly from oak trees and are famous for their habit of storing nuts—primarily acorns, but also almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, and pinyon pine nuts—in individually drilled holes in one or more storage trees