English, asked by lokesh10spygmailcom, 2 months ago

what is active and passive voice ​


Answered by s8a1583aritra1756


With passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. It makes for a murky, roundabout sentence; you can be more straightforward with active voice.

Active Voice = We are going to watch a movie tonight.

Passive Voice = A movie is going to be watched by us tonight.

Hope it will be useful

please mark as the BRAINLIEST answer

Answered by aniketaryan960


Active Voice:

Active voice is the unmarked voice for clauses featuring a transitive verb in nominative–accusative languages, including English and most other Indo-European languages.

Passive  Voice:

A passive voice construction is a grammatical voice construction that is found in many languages. In a clause with passive voice, the grammatical subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb – that is, the person or thing that undergoes the action or has its state changed. This contrasts with active voice, in which the subject has the agent role. For example, in the passive sentence "The tree was pulled down", the subject denotes the patient rather than the agent of the action. In contrast, the sentences "Someone pulled down the tree" and "The tree is down" are active sentences.

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