what is activity seties of metals
The reactivity series of metals, also known as the activity series, refers to the arrangement of metals in the descending order of their reactivities.
The reactivity series of metals, also known as the activity series, refers to the arrangement of metals in the descending order of their reactivities.
The data provided by the reactivity series can be used to predict whether a metal can displace another in a single displacement reaction. It can also be used to obtain information on the reactivity of metals towards water and acids.
Reactivity Series of Metals
Metals tend to readily lose electrons and form cations. Most of them react with atmospheric oxygen to form metal oxides. However, different metals have different reactivities towards oxygen (unreactive metals such as gold and platinum do not readily form oxides when exposed to air).
Salient Features
The metals at the top of the reactivity series are powerful reducing agents since they are easily oxidized. These metals tarnish/corrode very easily.
The reducing ability of the metals grows weaker while traversing down the series.
The electro positivity of the elements also reduces while moving down the reactivity series of metals.
All metals that are found above hydrogen in the activity series liberate H2 gas upon reacting with dilute HCl or dilute H2SO4.
Metals that are placed higher on the reactivity series have the ability to displace metals that are placed lower from their salt solutions.
Higher ranking metals require greater amounts of energy for their isolation from ores and other compounds.
Another important feature of the activity series is that while travelling down the series, the electron-donating ability of the metals reduces.